Thursday, April 4, 2013

Laura Aspenwall: Click Here to Bid

For the Birds
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Ouzel Glassworks is the studio of glass artist Laura Aspenwall. Her studio is located outside the town of Winthrop, Washington just east of the North Cascades National Park.

Laura began blowing glass in 1995 at the Pacific Northwest College of Arts in Portland, Oregon. In 2002 she and her husband moved to the Methow Valley and together built her glass studio.

Visitors and school groups are welcome to come watch live glassblowing.  During the Methow Valley’s ski season Laura holds an open house on weekends.  The Methow Community ski trail goes right by her studio and skiers are welcome to stop by and warm up.

Laura named her studio after the Ouzel, also known as the Western Dipper, a small aquatic bird that is one of the Methow Valley’s few winter songbirds. 

227 Wolf Creek Road • Winthrop, WA 98862 • 509.996.3316