Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Barry Stromberger: Click Here to Bid

GMO or "Using up my leaf stash" by Barry Stromberger (Ghost flowers not included)
Click comments below for the most current bid

BARRY'S BIO: I’ll save you from an artistically tooled statement….leaving you with little to go on except I work with metal, mostly steel, some copper.  I utilize traditional forging and joinery techniques (read blacksmithing) mixed with a heavy dose of conventional iron work like MIG welding, plasma and oxy-acetylene cutting. I make a lot of the tools I work with, my main work horse is a 1925 Little Giant power hammer I found here in the Methow Valley 15 + years ago and totally rebuilt.  

I work out of a small shop that has, in the past, seen many years of foreign car repair.  I started out in 12’ x 12’ dirt floored pole shop with a coal fired forge and a few tools in 1975 on my property.  I expanded a bit over the years. Basically I make jewelry for fine homes and businesses. I love what I do and occasionally even make good money doing it. I also still have a passion for gear-head related things. I’m in a long illicit affair with a 1958 single cab VW pick-up truck… restoring it and converting it to an all electric 144 volt DC powered daily driver. Visitors are always welcome at my shop… yes shop. Never been very comfortable with the studio label.

The Slagworks, LLC: 656 Twisp/Winthrop Eastside Rd. Winthrop, WA 98862 P.O. Box 25, Twisp, WA 98856